Anyone experienced the Luxman MQ-300 or/and The Air Tight ATM-300R?

Considering one of those 2 to drive Devore Super 9 in a 14X16 living room..
Any thoughts?
Thanks everyone. I’ll probably hear the LUXMAN in my system soon and I have the feeling It will work.

Let us know your listening impressions if you don’t mind. Would like to know  how you find its music reproduction compared to the Luxman KT 88 push pull amplifier you are currently using with this 91 db sensitive speaker..


I finally got one in my system and first impressions are pretty fantastic. Power is actually much more than enough. I actually don’t hear a difference of volume/power when compared to the KT-88 weirdly.
I have been listening to all kind of music since yesterday and can’t detect any flaws or limitations . I had 300B amp before including the little Sophia’s with the Royals but nothing compare to it. Just great.