Reference Full Function Tube Preamplifier

Happy and healthy holidays to all!
I’m trying to decide between two reference level full function tube preamplifiers. My decision is between the new Luxman CL-1000 line/phono preamplifier and VAC Renaissance Signature 2A SE line/phono preamplifier. I wish I could afford the VAC Master, but alas, no. Anyway, I’d very much appreciate any thoughts and experiences of members. Thanks to all!
@normie57 I respect but disagree with your local dealer's decision (full disclosure: I'm also a Lamm Industries dealer and none of their preamplifiers have remotes). It's a non-issue in my experience, but opinions vary. :)

I'm also going to step around your question to describe the differences in an attempt to help you answer this question for yourself. I, and I bet everyone else, would love to hear your thoughts instead of mine. Where are you located? I'm happy to make a few phone calls and see if we can get a demo in your hands, even if it's not from me.

Feel free to call (615-838-7178) or email ( if it's preferable.
Gestalt, sorry we agree with the OP’s dealer. There are tons of outstanding preamplifiers which have managed to sound transparent and have the functions that most people want.

We would never carry a preamp without at least remote volume, as digital as well as analog tracks can vary in loudness dramatically and most people do not want to be getting up every few tracks or every few momments to adjust the volume.

We like the Luxman gear, we heard this preamp with two of their tube monoblocks at the Capitol Audio Fest, and the sound was good but in no way was it amazing especially for these kinds of prices, fit and finish and design and build quality was top notch. Again we are not saying the sound wasn't good, but in no way was the room a standout at CAP.

The other thing is resale value, many people will not purchase a preamp without volume control, yes there will always be guys that will eschew any convenience "to gain a purer sound." but in our experience this is no longer the case. 

Having the convience to remotely raise volume, mute the signal gasp change inputs or engage a tone control or some other cool feature can be easily accomplished, a swtiched resistor volume control works wonders. 

You will point out that these preamps are all sold out, Luxman is a tiny, tiny, company it would not be difficult for them to sell out of any of their products also the Japanese dometic market has probably purchased most of them.

You can look at a Conrad Johnson preamp or a Vac, or possibly a Zesto or dozens of other preamplifiers, we heard the Backert Labs preamps and they were also stunning.

At this point we sell none of these brands we are discussing just making a point.

OP cast your net a bit wider and look at all the possible players and if the Luxman is not easy to audition just move to something that is that meets your needs, at this point in time there are plenty of really superb tube preamplifiers which are very transparent on the market from many, many, different manufactuerers some with phono stage and some which do not.

The issue of transparency in remote volume controls was solved many many years ago.

Hey Gestalt what do we know only 30 plus years in the business, and have sold Lamm as well as Luxman as well as almost every brand in the industry.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Feel free to call 877 428 2873 or email if you would like our take on preamplifiers
I appreciate your kind opinions and will broaden my search beyond Luxman and VAC, as I certainly have plenty of time before the CL-1000 is even available. The Luxman would be my first preamplifier without remote volume, and the most expensive as well.....although remote volume is not an absolute deal breaker, I’ll reserve judgement until I audition the Luxman and the other fine tube preamplifiers.  Thank you so much!  Happy and healthy new year to all!
So two box units are off the table?

A good number of the best preamps out there run an outboard power supply.
Thanks atmasphere; two box units are certainly ok.  Actually all the VAC preamps have outboard power supply. The Luxman CL-1000 is a single box full function preamplifier. Further suggestions are welcome. Merry Christmas!