Reference Full Function Tube Preamplifier

Happy and healthy holidays to all!
I’m trying to decide between two reference level full function tube preamplifiers. My decision is between the new Luxman CL-1000 line/phono preamplifier and VAC Renaissance Signature 2A SE line/phono preamplifier. I wish I could afford the VAC Master, but alas, no. Anyway, I’d very much appreciate any thoughts and experiences of members. Thanks to all!
Normie it look like the Luxman does not have a built in phono do you need a built in phono stage?

This one reason I went with the VAC Ren MKV line stage only.  I like the flexibility of choosing/future swapping my phono stage.  I have my VAC line stage paired with a Herron VTPH-2A and love the synergy.
Yes, the Luxman CL-1000 has an excellent internal phono section. Online images are inaccurate I’m afraid. There are two selectors on rear of unit for impedance and capacitance loading.

Both the VAC Renaissance Sig IIA SE and Luxman CL-1000 have internal phono stages, with excellent step up transformers for low output MC cartridges, that rival the finest external phono stages.  Separate line and phono preamplifiers are great as well, certainly allowing for flexibility. However, I’d prefer a single full function unit.

Thanks to all respondents!

Normie, you may want to cast your net a bit further into the two box solution. 

We have heard at a few shows the Zesto gear and they have just done a major redesign of the Leto preamp to the Leto Ultra and they make a number of excellent phono stages at all different price ranges from $4,700-$12,000.00 so if you are mostly digital you can match your expectations for a good phono stage depending on how far you want to go with analog. 

The Leto Ultra has a very unique feature set and the show report from Stereophile was a rave on their sound quality, the Leto is a $10k preamp and it looks like a great deal for the superb level of sound quality that Zesto is famous for also the design is quite similar to the Luxman it is also a transfomer coupled tube design and it does have remote control. 

The presence control seems like a cool way of warming up bright recordings.

We are not a Zesto dealer but keep on seeing them at shows and the sound of their systems is always musical and their products are extremely well built and are rave reviewed and are priced very reasonably for reference quality tube gear.

We have put this company on our radar for 2020.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ 

These two units sound fairly different and at this level of performance you'll want to hear both in your home, in your system, to discover which you prefer. Find a dealer that will make that happen.

- Colin

disclaimer: I'm a Luxman dealer in Nashville, TN