I’ve tried Pass labs X250.8 and even the X350.5. Both were wonderful amps, and both would take a bit of time to get going, but once warmed up (after about 2.5 hours) each handled the Salons2 very nicely. I think the BATs (mostly because they are tubes) grab the Salon2 earlier and do a great job on their own. But what the 2 x 3,000 Watt F113 can do with bass, it’s hard to beat. First of all, the Salons and the Amps do an even better job on the highs/mids once the bass duty is removed from the equation. Also, one really needs to hear how well the Subs and Salons2 are integrated in the system. Though, Id be open to see otherwise, I really don’t regret the set up as is now.
Really, I just wanted to see if I can spend less for, or get more Midrange/High by possibly eliminating [what I thought was] redundant bass on the Salons2 since I use subwoofers. And lots of speakers were recommended on this thread :) - But it's also Interesting that some people on the thread mentioned having similar Large Speaker/Sub [with active crossovers] set ups, and really like them.
Aside - Interesting who has looked into/heard the Paradigm Personas- specifically the 9H with the 4 built-in subwoofers. I heard them. Sounded very good.