Romex to your amp?

One of my good friends, a non-aphile, asked me an interesting question...
I was discussing with him why my new pc made a nice improvement in my SQ.
So he asked me this question:
Why not take the Romex all the way from the wall and connect it to the amp...instead of
using an after market pc? His logic was that the in-wall cable is Romex and therefore a straight run to the power amp would be better ( or at least as good) as a break at the wall plug and an after market pc to the amp. Does he have a point??
Not quite right...the zoning departments do have the ability to enforce zoning compliance.

I never said they didn’t have the ability to enforce zoning compliance which is totally different than complying with a building code. I was addressing the NEC - and not compliance with ZONING ORDINANCES which are different than building codes.

If you put up a building in conflict with a zoning ordinance, such as a commercial building in an area zoned residential - then, in all probability, the building department will make you remove the structure as it does not meet the zoning requirement for that area.

You seem to be conflating a zoning issue with a code violation - not the same thing.

However, you are correct, in that the AHJ can make the contractor either fix or completely remove and replace work that is not building code compliant.

How the work is corrected is at the discretion of the AHJ. If it’s simply redoing connections in five junction boxes - that’s one level of correction. If the AHJ directs the contractor to remove and replace all of the wire for all of the circuits because it’s the wrong type or size - that’s a different level of correction.

The statement was made that the NEC is a Federal Law - it is not. That’s all I was addressing in my post.

You somehow conflated that with zoning - a completely different building issue and it’s hard to see how a builder or client would get plans approved and permits issued by a building department if they did not meet the correct zoning requirements.

Electronics and power cords do not need to be UL listed. Certification is an optional process that costs $5,000-15,000 of dollars per model and is only good for 5 years. The only reason large manufacturers do this is because many retailers and contracts specify certified products only. Clearly very few (if any) boutique power cables and audio components are certified.
There is nothing wrong or illegal about solid core power cables. They were sold by a number of manufacturers in the past and Anticables still only sells solid core power cables. You just need to treat them a little more gently and don’t beat and twist of them like that orange extension cord you have in your garage. Properly constructed with decent plugs solid core can sound great. Easily better than any stock power cord and they can also compete well with the big bucks cords. The best part is you can put one together for <$50 (a little more if you want to sheath it and make it look professional).

But don’t take my word for it. Check out this PS Audio blog.
The Authority having Jurisdiction, ultimately the local government often passes laws/bylaws that accept in full the NEC. They have to to have legal authority to enforce compliance. Lack of compliance is a civil violation not criminal but you are still breaking the law. Negligence can become criminal of course.

UL ensures a level of safety compliance and UL standards also have relevance to NEC. That power cord may not need to comply to UL, but it would likely need to comply with NEC (and your insurance policy). Outside the US, many countries require only conforming products to local standards.  A UL is not good for "5 years". It is good till a new standard is released and while you maintain your listing.

I am curious about this internal distortion and dynamic loss of stranded conductors at audio frequencies science seems to have missed.

@buckhorn_cortez. I think you should re-read my prior post, you are adding words/points in there that I did not state.
Nonetheless, we are in agreement on the basics.
Notice that Nordost`s top pc`s are solid core, not single core though but 6-7 conductors. Wery close to the famous pc Electrocompaniet came up with in the 80`s wich lead me to try out the nowegian 12awg Romex-equivalent.