Chinese DACs

I just bought a DAC from a guy, who modded it, for 60 bucks and it sounds better than my newer NAD CD player.
I wish I knew which model I had. The guy who modded it said if you are buying a DAC for more than 150 bucks or more than two years old you are getting ripped off. Anybody else have good luck with Chinese DACs? Any you could recommend?
For the budget conscious check out the Wolfson WM8740 USB DAC.  

The following review is a year or two old but still relevant:

This little DAC is amazing for the price.  I paid ~$50 and that included the power supply, I was able to order directly from the manufacture. eBay and Amazon charge a little more but still under $70 and you will get it delivered more quickly.   This DAC has some limitations (only two input sources (USB and COAX) but for the money you can't go wrong.     


The Pagoda uses the PCM 1704 chip. My DAC, however, was heavily modified by the previous owner. Sounds fantastic.


I use a Questyle CMA400i.
This is my first DAC and so have not really compared to anything else but I think the sound coming from it is really great.
Connected to a CD Player and Computer for Hi Res music.

Feels like a real quality component and it's made in China.