Ohm Walsh Talls and amplification

Ok, I am perplexed and I would appreciate any feedback you can give me. I am interested in getting a pair of Ohm Tall speakers. Initially (based off from Steve Guttenberg's and Zeos' reviews) i assumed that the 2000s were the ones for me. I don't see where Zeos' or Steve's rooms are any bigger than mine but, I measure the square footage of my room last night and it's only 353 square feet! Zeos himself even said that the 1000s were the correct size for his room, but he just wanted to go bigger. So, my first question is: Can you use a bigger Ohm Tall than what your room requires (as Zeos does)? Also, these speakers seem to love power. Steve drove his with a Mytek amp and a big Pass Labs amp. I cannot afford  Pass Labs and, the Mytek...well, I *could* maybe swing that but, Zeos uses a pair of Crown amps that are not made for audio but for DJs and live entertainers, etc. Obviously, he's very happy with the results. I finally did call John Strohbeen and he confirmed that the Talls love power... he suggested Mytek, Peachtree, certain NAD models, and Emotiva as affordable amps that have good results. I then asked him about Zeos using the Crown amps and he said, "Yeah, that's another way to go that's very affordable." I asked him if the sound was good and he said, "Yeah, it sounds good. In fact, we used something like Crown that here in our factory for quite a while." So, my second question is: what success have you had in the way of amplification with your Ohm Talls? 
@high-amp... No worries. My 2000s sound wonderful at background levels, even listening to lossey internet radio. Too good, actually, as I am often unable to continue what I am working on, and instead focus on the music. I often end up cranking the volume anyway because, well, you know, this amp goes to 11!
I am also interested in getting some Ohm Walsh speakers but I know so little about class D amplifiers that I need to do some listening.  After spending my entire life with A/B amps I thought I might just grab a Schiit Vidar or two until I can make a more informed choice.  Does anyone have any experience with Vidar(s) with the Ohms?
HI @bondmanp

I agree with you , that you want to show your product in its best possible light!   And I also understand where John is coming from ....  Like when he showed the Ohm 2000 two years ago at the NYC audio show ... He used an Outlaw RR 2160  ....  and was using " lamp cord" ....  and old oppo dvd for a cd player and a Node 2 ...

People in the audience asked " Hey is that lamp cord ? , he said yes ... "  The person then asked him ... " if we used better cords and interconnects, amps and sources ... what would happen?  John just said " It would sound better." 

John was showing sub 3k speakers and thought it would be odd to demo the 2000 with 10k dollars of amps, sources and interconnects...

That NYC show the total system was under 5k with speakers , amp  etc...  

It can only get better...

on another note..
my main room system I have a pair of Walsh 5 ( ca 1990 or so) that I had Ohm upgrade ...  John and Evan did a great job on the "upgrade" to Super Walsh 5 LE....

See his blog...https://ohmspeaker.com/news/how-big-is-a-big-room/
That is my living room , the one with the two dogs hiding in plain sight!
My wife does not let me play them loud... which is a shame as I have them hooked up to Carver Seven-7 Solid state monoblocks... 565 watts / channel...  room level... and its great !

Good Hunting
Bill Sohne

I have a variation of the same question. I love my restored Walsh 4’s and drive them with a Parasound Hint integrated amp. I wonder about the merit in adding a power amp and if so, if a new model or one from their era (e.g. Carver / Sunfire) would be a better match. I don’t want to spend or make room for something with minimal listening impact. Better to invest in upgrading to Walsh 4000?  Comments and recommendations welcome.