Krell KSA100 MKI power consumption

Would anyone know what shold be the power consumption rating of this Pure Class A amp?
We assumed a North American Standard of 7amps x 110v = 770 watts. Take a look at another 100w amp and see what the current draw is at full output, because in Class A, your amp is at full output at idle...that is why it gets so hot because it need to dissipate all that power when not driving a load.

My old (100w Class A) ML 20.6 amps drew 500w each at idle for a total of almost 10 amp (1000w). Since the Krell KSA 100 is also 100w Class A, 700-800watts at idle does not seem that far off.
Real class A is about 25% efficient so 100 + 100 watts should require that amount x4 or 800 watts. Remember that true class A amps draw FULL current at idle. I use to sell the KSA 100s and they did draw a lot of current. Later Krell designs use a more efficient bias method in many cases.
it is 7 amps on a 120v circut on idle. But that is halved to about 3.5 amps on a uk 240v circuit. Amps are relative to voltage. 
Used to have (and loved) a pair of the KMA100s and they could certainly heat up a room-especially at idle or low volume. Would not be at all surprised if your KSA100 drew 7-8 amps at idle.
Fantastic amplifier the KSA100. 
I have mine hooked up to a dedicated 20amp line, and yes it draws 7-8amp at full power.