Responses from linndec
How to connect monoblocks to a single REL sub with ONE RCA input I did use the words "seems" and "can".. I was reflecting on what others had said and my own personal experience. I don't pretend to know about all room dimensions? Sound is a very fickle thing both personally and in practice setting it up.. | |
Power cord for GamuT? | |
Power cord for GamuT? Im using Townshend DCT speaker cable with the Gamut D200. Was sold what I think is a half meter mains cable. Looks a lot like Russ andrews weave? not sure as nothing ti identify it.. Sounds much better than a basic stock cord.. | |
REL G1 Subwoofer Problems I am using a rel tx7 with my krell kav 2250. Its set in stereo not bridged mode. Right red left yellow and black just need to find earth/ground. Connect to a plug ground. Preferably on the same circuit as the hi fi system. Connect the black wire t... | |
Cardas Clear Light vs Clear Sky The Clear range is above Cygnus and less in the way with a better mid range and no tubbiness in the bass region. I have clear Sky between my Bel Canto 2.7 DAC and REF500S power amplifier. It was recomended by the bel Canto people to me and alows t... | |
How to connect monoblocks to a single REL sub with ONE RCA input Sorry but more than one sub in one room seems overkill.Can also lead to standing waves and cancellation not only not doubling bass ability but cancelling each other out in some frequencies.. All seems a bit of a problem really. | |
Totem and Bel Canto? I have bel Canto 2.7 DAC / peramp and a REF500S power amplifier hooked up to a pair of Totem Sky Towers and the imaging is beautiful along with a great sound stage. Compared to another set of speakers I have that don't produce the same amount of b... | |
Bel Canto REF600m with subwoofers I have a Bel Canto C5I integrated amplifier with a line out going to a REF500S a single dual mono amplifier. I use the high output of my Rel TX8 as follows. Red lead into the Right positive ' and Yellow into the Left positive. DO NOT CONNECT THE ... | |
Red Rose Anyone? | |
Red Rose Anyone? i have the Red Rose Passion amp and it is the best koean amp I have ever heard.. Beating a CONRAD jOHNSON pf-1 pre and a Mc Cormack DNA125 hands down that I now have for sale ' for musicality and expression of instumentation. It just sounds Right... | |
To Float or not to Float... Never lift grounds on power amplifiers. you don't want that to go live with the currents that can easily kill you. If however your house is correctly earthed the breaker should go before there is any damage done to the equipment or more importantl... | |
Krell KSA100 MKI power consumption it is 7 amps on a 120v circut on idle. But that is halved to about 3.5 amps on a uk 240v circuit. Amps are relative to voltage. |