What Class D amps will drive a 2 ohm load

Just asking.

I see specs into 4 ohms but nothing into difficult speaker loads (like Thiel CS5's).

Thanks for listening, 


Here’s what the Aussie’s think about the Kappa 9’s after this guy posted them up for sale. I think the 2 pages of discussions on how they are to drive, killed his sale of them. Wilson Alexia’s are even harder as their lower most impedance is up even higher around 80hz

Cheers George
Fello A-Goners,

The Class D SX-1000 amps arrived today.

First impression is this...
I'm definitely blown away at the size of these mono block amps!
They're tiny compared to my Phase Linear 700's in size and weight.
Even my wife said WHAT!

I go into this without ANY preconceived thoughts.
I'm an open minded individual.

Tomorrow will be hook up time, to do an evaluation, on these Class D amp's ability to drive some ridiculous low impedance speakers...
Infinity Kappa 9's.

We'll be able to put this discussion to a real world evaluation rather than what my brother's smother's friend of the family said!

Stay tuned y'all...............
Damn georgehifi,

Didn't think there was ANY SPEAKER harder to drive than the 9's.... WOW!
I know the Scintillas were close but DANG!

Something I've noticed with hard to drive speakers.
Given the right amplification they just seem to be more powerful at music reproduction than the high efficiency speakers.
Especially in the bass region.

Didn’t think there was ANY SPEAKER harder to drive than the 9’s.... WOW!
I know the Scintillas were close but DANG!
You can add the OP’s Thiel CS5 also CS7, Wilson Alexia to that list also and there are many others.

And to me also the "good" ridiculously hard to drive speakers are more extended, tighter more detailed in their presentation, this is usually because of the drivers used are inefficient more so the very complex xovers that are designed to be nearer perfect for these types of speakers create the low impedance loads .

There’s no free lunch, easy to drive, simple xovers, efficient drivers, even the use of horns usually have compromises, the above difficult to drive speakers some may say are over engineered, so is a Buggati Veyron ect ect.

Cheers George

Here is a great post by a member here with Sonus Fabers that dip to 2ohms in loading presented to the amp, and his experience with a few different amps and one that can double down wattage all the way to 2ohms the bjt output Gryphon.


Cheers George