Audio Kinesis Swarm Subwoofer Awarded 2019 Golden Ear Award by Robert E. Greene

Recognizing member and contributor @audiokinesis for this award!!!
"redefines the boundaries of the possible in my experience in correct reproduction of bass in small rooms. With suitable recordings, the listening room’s acoustic signature is effectively erased and replaced by that of the recorded acoustics. There is solid theory behind this, but the listening results speak for themselves."
Indeed. Well said, and well deserved.
Having done this myself, could hardly agree more.
Congrats, Duke!
I don't understand -- you can do this with any sub woofers.  What makes the "swarm" so special?  
Right. Anyone willing to learn can do this with any sub woofers. Anyone willing to learn can also DIY their own, which is what I did. Which, as far as I can tell, almost no one does.

There seems to be hardly anyone who even acknowledges the superiority of the principles on which the Swarm, or distributed bass array, is based. So you take a lot for granted.

But to answer the question, what makes the Swarm so special is there's nothing else on the market quite like it. No other low bass solution comes anywhere close. In fact the only other system that is sold as a system turns out to also be designed by Duke! So yeah, pretty special.

Again, what about the swarm is unique other than being sold four woofers and told to place them a certain way?  I’m genuinely trying to figure this out.

I have owned and set up multiple stereos with 4, 6, and 8 subs, so this isn’t exactly unfamiliar territory.