Advice on Krell amplifier

I am planning to replace my 20 plus year old Audio Research amplifier with a solid state one (tired of dealing with tubes). I’m considering the McIntosh Mc312 and the Krell duo 175xd.  The Krell is highly recommended by a trusted dealer as having a “tube like” sound and going well with my other components.   My other equipment: Audio Research preamp and phono stage (which I plan to keep) KEF Reference 5 speakers, Innuous Zenith 3 server. I haven’t seen many comments or reviews of either the McIntosh or the Krell. I would appreciate any advice, including comments from people who have heard these amplifiers. Thanks. 
The Krell would be the easy winner here.
+1 for the Krell, and it will drive anything now, or later you hook it up to.

Cheers George
I have used Krell Integrated amps for over 15 years in my two main stereo systems ( Krell KAV 400 xi and Krell S 550i). I have pushed Maggie’s with both integrated amps just fine and Maggies have to be the most inefficient speakers built. The sound I get is amazing - midrange, bass and imaging are the best I have heard. Just be aware Class A power runs hot! But it sounds great. Krell service was needed on my 550i and they were great! Go with Krell and you will be happy! I am!
I own the latest Krell Duo 300 XD and couldn’t be happier. I have owned the iconic 400 FPB and other Krell classics. This sounds the BEST. The latest series of KRELL XD amps are without question the best sounding amps on the market for the money. A thing of beauty given the relatively lower amount of power the amp consumes as a result of some brilliant software. Pure class A power has to be heard to be believed. 
I own the Krell 575  monoblocks, upgraded to XD. I can’t be happier with their new sound. Too, Krell’s customer service is amongst the best in the industry. 
I personally don't understand the use of burl wood to (match?) grass cloth wallpaper. I personally would have recommended bamboo. However, what do I know? I have only designed and built custom furniture for 40 years. I expect only a very few will understand and enjoy this post.