Tonearm/Cartridge Combinations: What Do You Own (Or Have Owned) And Recommend?

I recently added vinyl to my system. I began looking for one place on A-gon that asked folks to list the tonearm/cartridge combinations they personally own or have owned and highly recommend. I didn't find anything, so I'm hoping this thread will provide a quick reference for the vinyl crowd to see what combinations other folks are using with satisfaction.
I'm running a Reed 3P tonearm with a Van den Hul Crimson cartridge. The turntable is a Dobbins modified Garrard 301.I highly recommend this combination.
Please grow this thread with your own personal recommendations.
Ag insider logo xs@2xastewart8944
Here's what I used years ago: GAS Sleeping Beauty (Coral 777) with a Lustre GST-1 arm on the Ariston RD11S TT. Into the Verion P SUT. I now have another Coral 777 mc and a Fidelity Research FR54 arm awaiting installation on another Ariston RD TT!
drrsutiff, isn't that Windfeld Ti some cartridge! So far there isn't one cartridge tonearm pair here that is a loser. I'll add a Kuzma 4 Point 14 with a Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum and a Kuzma 4 Point 9 with the Windfeld Ti. 
Good results with a Koetsu Rosewood Signature on a Graham Phantom (original) tonearm. Mounted on a VPI TNT HRX (older version). Graham silver phono IC to Manley Steelhead and AQ AT Amazon silver ICs into Pass preamp and amps.
I will note that I own a Lyra Delos cartridge that I use with the Reed 3P too. This I also recommend. Different signature than the Reed 3p/VdH Crimson combo, but still very satisfying.
Jelco SA750DB
AT-150MLX with a ATN150Sa Shibata stylus.
DL-103r with a hardwood body
DL-103r stockDL-103
Ortofon Concorde with a 40 stylus
Ortofon OMP-10.  I have two TT’s with Jelco SA 750 arms. The AT-150 is always present and the remainder rotate based on mood. My recommendation would be the AT-150 which is no longer in production but NOS stock is out there but pricy. The DL-103r & DL-110 seems to get the most play time of the others.
Good Luck