it is special treated wood to avoid cracks
@totem395 As could be a wood mat.
It could be, but can you imagine diameter of the armtube in comparison to the diameter of the platter mat ?
Also did you made all the treatment with a piece of wood yourself?
It’s not impossible to make a wood mat, but i’ve seen many products made out of wood glued together in pieces and all of them degrade in time, depends on the temperature (cold in the winter, hot in the summer) depends where do you live.
A decent mats made of aluminum from SAEC and gunmetal from MICRO SEIKI, they last forever, mine are 40 years old.
The last mat i bought was $250
THE MAT from Sakura Systems, i finally decided to try it on Denon DP-80 (heavy mat is not good for this table, so i just bought this new Graphite mat). This is the last incarnation of the highly regarded Boston Audio Mat.
I think there are just so many better alternatives to the wood. And those mats can’t cause any problem. So why wood? You tell me.