To those running Klipsch Forte IIIs...

What is your setup?
What have you learned?
What loudspeaker did you come from? 
Have you experimented with placement, sources, cables, etc.? 

The Forte IIIs are such a keeper.  I've enjoyed the journey with them and before I move on I'll exhaust possibilities with them first. 

Let your thoughts run...
I'm running the Forte IIIs, paired with McIntosh MC2105 and MX119.  Primary source is Bluesound Node 2.  This is the best setup I've ever had and I enjoy it completely.  The Fortes fit perfectly in my 1969 vintage living room and are more or less period correct.  For me the biggest compromise in my system is the long cable run to the speakers dictated by the system location across the room.  Need to figure out that part but for now it sounds great. Been a Mac & Klipsch fan since a teen in the 70s.  No reason to change now.
Recently heard the Forte III’s hooked up to the new Luxman SQ-N150 10 wpc Tube integrated. Excellent open clear dynamic sound w/plenty of bottom end. The Integrated is only 11" wide and about 8.5" deep. A very musical mini me.
jbhillerMy F3s are used for TV and music  in LRMy office is where  my PL amp is with the Heresy  3   and my old KG5.2
Have not spent any  time comparing the double S  and the tube amps .I feel my office is rather small  to move around in .I will do the comparison and report back to you , someday :)

Greetings Fellow Music Lovers! I apologize in advance for the long post.. 

I’m so glad I ran across this thread! I am really close to getting a new set of Speakers and the Heresy / Forte models seem to be where I keep coming back too. Initially I was dead set on the Heresy iii’s, but once I started researching and leaned that even though they gave that live sound I am craving (I’m an avid Dead Head / Rock Concert kinda guy), that I’d really still need a Sub or 2 to get that powerful Bass I love. I am now leaning to the Forte or maybe the Cornwalls if I can swing the extra money. Just so everyone can see where I’m at now, here’s my current system:

Parasound Halo A21 amp  & P5 preamp,
Pro-Ject Debut Carbon with the stock Ortofon Red Cartridge upgraded with an Acrylic Platter and Cork Mat, Integra 6 Disc CD Player (yes, it’s a low end CD player but when not playing records, I love just loading up 6 discs and hitting Random lol), my Speakers are Goldenear Triton 5’s along with Two JL Audio Dominion D108 Subs. I use Schmitt Custom Audio Cables for everything and all the interconnects are made with Vintage Western Electric Wire.

The Parasound is the only change I’ve made from my initial system, it was my first foray into higher end audio and I didn’t know much of anything (still don’t technically but I do know what sound I like) but I knew then to buy better speakers instead of a high end amp and cheap speakers so my first power source was an Integra AV Receiver. 

So the Goldenear Tritons do sound nice, but I really have never just loved them, and I also don’t want to use Subs in my 2.0 Stereo set up. I want Speakers that will give me the Bass I love on their own. Which depending on who you ask may or may not be an important factor. When I hook up my old Cerwin Vega 317p Hardrockers they give me that live sound, Bass, and loudness when wanted, but they’re not as detailed as I have grown to appreciate.

For me, I want to go back to a more traditional Speaker with a decent or good Wood Veneer etc. for the looks and my style,  but most importantly that live sound.. I’ve also looked into Focal 948’s, KEF Q550’s, PSB Imagine T3’s and Legacy’s.. but again, the Klipsch Heritage line seems so far to be possibly what I’m needing.

I’ve even toyed with the idea of parting ways with my A21 which I just absolutely love and going to Tubes because so many folks say the Heritage line Speakers really love Tubes.

So to the Original Poster- I am glad you enjoy the Fortes and will be following this thread and others to learn more until I can get up to the shop to listen myself. I could only find one Heritage Dealer in Chicago! Crazy.. so to each and every one of you have a great day and keep the music flowing!

@bigjohn9095, Welcome!!! 

With your interest level, I'd say you definitely have to give the Forte IIIs and Heresy IIIs a whirl.  I'm in Chicagoland if you want to pop by to listen to your music to put them through their paces. 

I'm familiar with the PSB Imagine T3s.  They are a great loudspeaker. In contrast to the Forte IIIs, you're going to get a deeper but not wider soundstage and more pinpoint imaging.  The T3s have a laser focus from midband upwards.  On the other hand, the Forte IIIs are more holographic and without question more "live" sounding.  The Forte IIIs are more dynamic, more sensitive, and very revealing of sources.  They are two different animals and I like both very, very much.  

The Forte IIIs can play great, IMHO, with solid state.  I enjoyed them with Class D topology too.  I do, however, strongly prefer them with tubes. 

I'm not an evangelist of cables or at least dropping a fortune on cables. I will say though, decent cables that can at least keep noise out of the chain are important with the Forte IIIs due to the loudspeaker's efficiency plus it's transparent nature.  At this efficiency level I took efforts to keep all hum out of the sound. 

What's also fun about the Forte IIIs is their characteristic of sounding different with different amps and sources. That's why I said above that I'll enjoy the journey long before I move them out for something different.  I'm no expert but I think I can hear greater differences when swapping out gear than with a more modern design like the PSB you reference.  So that is a plus for me because I like to play around and the F3s are a great common denominator to play around on my journey. 

To borrow a line from WolfGarcia, I'm now that guy in his mid 40s (Wolf is likely mid 50s) using horns and tubes!  I never thought I'd own anything Klipsch too.