Nakamich Service Info

I live in NJ and looking for somoene who has a good reputation with servicing Nakamichi ZX-7 tapedecks. Driving distance would be preferable, but will ship if I have to.
How deep is your pocket?
Besides the normal run of the mill cap upgrades there is not much moreĀ  a good zx7 needs Tbh.

However check out their website for options and contact info.
please share your experience with NJ Factory Service as I had nothing but great service on my R2R.
please share your experience with NJ Factory Service as I had nothing but great service on my R2R.
NJ Factory Service has a good reputation and I don't wish to sully it here. Over time, any business will have a few disappointed customers and I'm one of theirs. Suffice it to say I have no reason to do business with them again.