Do you guys like Adele's music?

Do you guys like Adele's music? 
I divide musical performers into two groups: those I can live without, and those I can't. From the little I've heard from Adele (another 1-name entertainer?), she is in the former category. I hear much worse these days (not just these days. I always despised The Velvet Underground/Lou Reed, Jane's Addiction/Porno For Pyros/Perry Ferrell, and a whole lot more), and some I like more. I wish her well, she seems like a great person.
Just listened/watched the youtube "Someone Like You"...  She's flat most of the song.. Not impressed by this live performance...  So... NO to the question.
Adele's SONGWRITING' is what is covered throughout the known galaxy.

Her voice 'in front of the music' allows understanding her words readily, and she conveys the emotions of the words extremely well.

Her ability to hold long notes is terrific. I think long notes let your brain/heart experience and feel the thought or emotion more deeply.

Tone of her voice is a personal preference, I love her songwriting first, her voice and ability next.
@tablejockey, well you know the music industry was never about talent, never about art - it was always about sales and it always will be. The biggest selling artists have done little else than provide largely forgettable landfill for future generations to puzzle about.

Seriously, if you manage to listen to some of the biggest selling vocalists concentrating on the vocals above the music, you are likely to suffer.

In some cases like Adele, Aretha and other experts of empty vocal pyrotechnics largely lacking any sense of humanity etc - really suffer.

Sure, quality acts like the Velvets, Joy Division, Nick Drake amongst others who sold next to nothing in their time have been exonerated saleswise somewhat in the due course of time but the only act to fabulously succeed on both commercial and artistic grounds were, well you don’t need it spelling out do you?

Oh OK then, let me say it that without the Beatles to lend it artistic and commercial respectability the music industry does indeed seem to atifify the famous Hunter S Thompson quote,

"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There’s also a negative side."