Saxaphone vs. Trumpet...Which do you prefer?

It’s not the first time I’ve thought about it, but it came up again last night as I was listening to Quintessence volume 2, Stan Getz and Chet Baker recorded live. (an amazing disc) I have to say that for myself, I prefer the saxophone because it seems capable of infinite textures and subtle shadings as well as eye opening dynamic shifts. Of course I love the trumpet too; especially in the hands of a player like Chet Baker.

the doors did not have a bass player in live performance (Manzarek played the bass parts on, not his cheesy Farfisa organ, but on the almost-as-cheesy Fender Keyboard Bass which sat atop his organ. Live, it sounded somewhat like a child’s toy version of the Rhodes electric piano), but they absolutely did in their recordings (not all---Manzarek did play that horrid Keyboard Bass on some of their songs.). Uncredited on the albums of course, but subsequently identified. A number of them, infact.

Hi Frogman,

 If anyone  could answer this question it would be you. Is the baritone saxophone more difficult to play/master due to its size and bulk compared to the smaller saxophones or is this just urban lore?


Trumpet all day long. Disclaimer: I am a trumpet player, of 41 years. Classical, jazz, dixie land, pop, liturgical, you name it. Trumpets can sound bright, dark, soft, powerful, airy, all depends upon the quality of the player and his or her ability to be truly musical.