New Maggie 1.7 owner, amp ?

I'm spending a lot of time everyday researching what amp others say to buy for the 1.7's. The more I read the more I'm getting confused, I've read were people have looked for years.
I'm looking for a amp in the $2000 range, help.....
As crazy as it sounds the new Adcom GFA 555SE ran a pair of 1.7s at my friend's store. He is not an Adcom dealer but for $1299.00 retail new it is a bargian. It does sound much better than the origial 555 and the 555 II. I am not much of an Adcom fan but this new amp now has a much better driver input board, has balanced inputs and has better output devices than the previous Adcom models. It was a shocker how well it worked with the 1.7. It actually had real bass and I like it better than any of the new digital amps. 200Watts per channel and 2.5 db of head room and stable at 1 ohm which means lots of current and the 1.7s like lots of current.
I'm new to buying better audio and I'm restricted by a budget. My purchases have to be well thought out. I was interested to see Bryston has a long warranty. What other amps have these long warranties?

Also I may want upgrade later on and I want what I buy to have a decent resale value. And if I buy used what do I look for from a seller?
WARRANTYS DO NOT MATTER.Are you going to listen to a warranty? Go with a amp, preamp set up.this will save upgrades later on.Always a good idea to decide on speakers 1st.Odyssey,Threshold,Emotiva Great value in power amps.
I owned the Maggie 1.6 for a while, and having worked with CIA, Wyred4Sound, Rowland, Peachtree Audio, etc. I would not use any of them as my preferred amplification for that speaker. I believe the high end of the 1.7 has not been reworked, so I would likely seek a stout class A/B design or hybrid like the Moscode 402AU, which I reviewed. High power class D with the Magnepan wore on my ears over time.

In my office I use the Eminent Technology LFT-6, a magnetic planar design, with two HSU STF-1 powered subs. The Peachtree Audio Nova is my amp, but this is a concession to convenience, not what I would use if the speakers were my primary rig. The Nova is commendable, but like other Class D designs I have used does not have the richness of a Class A/AB design which is imo necessary to get Maggies to sound their best.

The Monarchy Audio SM-70 Pro (reviewed; run mono) was outstanding overall with the Eminent Technology LFT-8B; the Monarchy SE-100 MkII may be superb with Magneplanar or E.T. Though it may not power the speaker with unlimited dynamics, it would likely be a more sensuous sound.
I now see I need a pre-amp and a CD player, i'm guessing my Blueray players don't cut it as a CD player. Also is there a preamp that allows Xm & has input for a ipod dock?