How to stream with a pre-amp

Hello Folks,

Just received the Schiit Saga, purchased in a small burst of enthusiasm, and now I'm pondering how to integrate streaming (back) into the system. I have been running a Marantz AVR with a parasound HCA1200. I'm searching for 3D sound, hence the acquisition of the Saga. So, what are your best, low cost options, for integrating streaming back into the system?

Thanks in advance...!
What were you using before to stream?

Does it have a built in DAC? If so, there should be analog audio outs that will connect to a Saga input.

Otherwise you will need a DAC.
OK, that's making sense... so, the AVR output would be available through the selection of a particular input on the Saga; otherwise, I would run, say, my CD straight to my Saga, on another input, and use it without the AVR circuitry, the rest of the time. I suppose the concern is how the two, the AVR and the Sage will interact. I've not run two pre-amps in series before... ?

Thanks for your help on this.