Interesting. I have found holes in both catalogues, not one more than the other, although Qobuz is a little better on classical while Tidal is better on jazz. Both have also "disappeared" titles that I favorited. Qobuz didn't have any Joey Alexander albums until did.
I like the hi-rez options on Qobuz, far more numerous than MQA on tidal, and MQA is a licensing grab.
I have noticed Qobuz has been a little worse on dropouts, but it's hard to tell if that's my internet connection or them. I ran into one badly corrupted file on Qobuz, which hasn't happened on Tidal.
I like the hi-rez options on Qobuz, far more numerous than MQA on tidal, and MQA is a licensing grab.
I have noticed Qobuz has been a little worse on dropouts, but it's hard to tell if that's my internet connection or them. I ran into one badly corrupted file on Qobuz, which hasn't happened on Tidal.