Blood On The Tracks MoFi UD1S

Got mine today and can confirm that this is the best sounding version of this recording I've ever heard.  
Anyone else get theirs?

Analogvm, you forgot Desire. All MoFi discs use to be on JVC Super Vinyl. The "regular" discs were 150 gr I believe.  The UHQ discs were either 180 or 200 gr also JVC Super Vinyl. It is nice to see a new "Super Vinyl" but all the regular MoFi discs are plain old regular vinyl and I have not been super impressed with their quality. I have not gotten one of the new discs yet but am leaning heavily towards the Thelonius Monk disc just to see what it is all about. $125 is steep. I would like to see them going back to using Super Vinyl on all the regular discs as well. Just like the old days. 
The first Bob Dylan album I bought was Bringing it all back home, I could'nt believe how good it was and with It's alright Ma, I'm only Bleeding..that just blew me away.
The original vinyl pressings were probably more raw, but the 45 rpm 2 LP pressings are more enjoyable.
Also Subterranean Homesick Blues...unbelieveable. Truly the first Rap track ever....So along with Blonde on Blonde these are my favourite Dylan LP'S....Here in the UK the 2LP sets costs around £60 apart from B.O.B that can go for about £80/120.
Dylan himself said recently that his own LPs never sounded that great because they did too much compression to get more music on each one.  Sorry I don't have a cite for that. Debating the best Dylan LP is fun but also a very deep and beguiling rabbit-hole. I wonder if OP or other owners can give more detail (no pun) on why this pressing is worth the big bucks. (If you can't tell, I'm looking for an excuse to pull the trigger!). 
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Im sure it sounds amazing, its not only 45 rpm, but 
"Developed by NEOTECH and RTI, Mobile Fidelity SuperVinyl is the most exacting-to-specification vinyl compound ever created. Analog lovers have never seen (or heard) anything like it. Extraordinarily expensive and extremely painstaking to produce, the special proprietary compound addresses two specific areas of improvement: noise floor reduction and enhanced groove definition. The vinylcomposition features a new carbonless dye (hold the disc up to the light and see) and produces the world’s quietest surfaces. This high-definition formula also allows for the creation of cleaner grooves that are indistinguishable from the original lacquer. Mobile Fidelity SuperVinyl provides the closest approximation of what the label’s engineers hear in the mastering lab." 

I'd like to hear The Basement Tapes on UD1S !!