What is wrong with a sub?

I often read that if you go with this...you'll need a sub.  Seems to me to get speakers where no subs are needed you pay 1.5 -> 2X the price of the "lessor" speakers with a sub.  I kinda like my sub.  Am I bush league (I may be, but I mean because of the sub)?
Be true to yourself.  If you like somehing, who cares what others
post?  They don't have your ears, or access to your gear in your
listening space.

There are things you can do that influence what you hear...
speaker positioning, for example.  Jolida Foz SS-T Sound Expander,
too.  And the general characteristics of your room, like flooring, windows,
and furnishings.

If you like your sub... great.  The real question: do you like 
your speakers, and 90% of what you are hearing through them???  

Nope, not at all. Integrating a sub well is the only issue. Done well they are spectacular.
@sgordon1 thanks for the support. To answer the first part, I do not have the time, or the money to test every combo. In cases where I do have the money, I’d like to know what others think hoping to put it all together and do it right. I have a set of speakers that my amp does not drive well. So I ordered another amp. Fun, costly and somewhat irritating. Maybe a sub would be the trick - too late, I ordered the amp.

Had I known how much I prefer the feel of speakers and sub over headphones I would have saved money and time there too. I didn’t need to spend what I did on head phones. A sub helps with that in my limited space. It also seems my speaker sub pair might sound better than what I can do for a few K more.
David, very few speakers do deep bass well. Those that do have what amounts to a built in sub. So, many of us add dedicated subwoofers to our systems to get the bottom octaves. I love my subwoofers. There is no way I could get realistic bass without them. I would think at my age I am anything but a bush leaguer. Enjoy your bass and your system subwoofer and all.  
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