Tidal Sunray vs Gryphon Trident

Interesting if anyone had a chance to compare this great speakers!
I respect very much both of this companies.
I did AB comparisions between their amps and pre.
For my taste Gryphon Colosseum was better than Tidal Impact, but
Tidal Preos was better than Gryphon Mirage.
So now I want to get new speakers and going to compare Tidal Sunray with Gryphon Trident.
They are very much different.
Sunray is all ceramic drivers with dimond tweeter.
Trident is traditional but with 1000watt A/B class amp embedded for LF.
Any opinions?
General resolution is much lower than Gryphon.
It is like sitting far away from the orchestra.
I prefer first row and Trident brings you even to the conductor place.
I know that many don't like 1st row, but I like.
And all my "fighting" with audiosystem is for resolution!
Highest possible resolution.
Tidal sound is magical.
It has perfect timbers.
Very comfortable and musical sound.
My solid state system sounds like tube system.
But I prefer "monitor" type of sound, not "musical" type.
So, it is the matter of taste!