What are the advantages to a Class A amp & what are the trade offs?

I've never had a class a amp but am considering one now. So what am I getting myself into?
It’s true, George. I think the extra electricity may come to $50 a month, maybe $70, if I listen a lot. It does annoy my wife sometimes but I try to calm her down by pointing out that we don’t own a car, lol, and save a lot of money that way.

People in New York burn $50 at Starbucks in a couple of weeks. I make my own coffee for fifty five cents a cup, I calculated the figure. So, skip Starbucks and listen to a Class A amp. 

Larrykell, you have to try San Fransisco Bay coffee. French Roast. Great stuff!.

Hi George, I have to agree even if you like funny looking class A amps.
but I do make my own cables:)
Use of class A allows achieve low distortion with less feedback applied. That is the main advantage. Main problem is the heat: at full power amplifier will convert into heat 3 times more energy than it sends to speakers. At zero output power energy that is not sent to speaker is converted into heat too.
From 1980 - 2019, Classe' Audio's DR-3 is still the sweetest amp I've heard. It just didn't work in my 25x15 room.
So what does that say for class A amps?
That said, I have not heard Threshold's SA12, or Pass Labs xs300.