Why According to some Turntable extremists Pitch Control and Direct Drive is Sacrilege?

Why shouldnt perfect direct drive speed and pitch control be part of an Audiophile turntable system.  Not having pitch control is like missing a stereo mono switch.
Every high end turntable should have pitch control. 

Museums are for looking and usually for looking at static objects. My tables are used, as they were designed for and enjoyed as such. Often get sold and different models are refurbished and or rebuilt and enjoyed and the cycle continues. A museum would be for say a pair of older unrestored DD Japanese JVC 101,s sitting unused , underapreciated, and just static weights......or is that mosileum. .....for some it’s one and the same.... but hey critisize the someone putting them back to use and in use for others..the weakest link in your system would appear to be severe ownership bias and a severe case of under appreciation of others preference when indifferent to your own.
Japanese DD are not the be all and end all turntables for everyone no matter how many times you post it or how blindly you believe it is or should be everyone’s choice. Many ,like Harold described his time with the Lux 444 feel no emotional involvement to the sound as I did with my 444 decades ago when current. We all don,t hear the same or gravitate to the same tonal playback or listen to the same music, let alone key in on the same frequency or timbre within the music. The difference for some folks preference / hearing for choosing a drive is much like the difference between digital and vynil. One just works better at bringing out the music and drawing them in than the other does.
Its a choice, a preference and not yours to demean as a right or wrong thing at all. No one is ever forced to buy anything like you posted above and these guys that post for advice quickly tire of a constant wet blanket of DD is the best your belt is cheap crap etc. etc.etc ... I advocate a choice ...you only advocate your own biased ownership while claiming people are forced to buy what you " hate".....one of the worst things a dealer can do for many is to always run down the other guys products to lift the status of his own....you are doing that almost daily here as a fan boy ...enjoy your vintage DD Japanese tables as many people are and do....just be aware many others have made other choices and while they respect yours....try putting some karma back in the world and try " in kind " over indifference.........
Ps...those jvc 101’s in a constrained layered ring as a plinth and wrapped in leather as a finish with function, looks and sounds quite good with a nice vintage arm to finish it off with.....
Dear Lew, thank goodness it isn´t Lenin mausoleum, is it ?
And, like you say as long as we are living happily, that´s all that counts. I couldn´t agree more. Keep spinning the discs.
Thanks Lew, guess myself and spell check are not as quick as you are.... lol .......looked funny when I typed it, but the point came through thought. ... 
Looked like dry English humour, very dry. Could be from say ... what was that great funny BBC comedy show ...