Name Your Top 5 Most Musical Dynamic Sounding Tonearms of All time?

Could you list your top 5 all time favourite sounding Tonearms and on which table. 
All Time Top 5?

Is there anyone here who has even heard 5 different arms?
On the same table, I mean. Oh, and with the same cartridge.
And phono stage.


I am pleasantly surprised at the versitility of the Spiral Groove SG2 turntable with the Spiral Groove Centroid arm. I've used a Lyra Delos and
Stanton 881S with D81 Stereohedron stylus and Long Hair Brush installed. 
I was pleasantly surprised that the high compliance Stanton 30 x 10-6cm/dyne at 10Hz, performed exemplary in the Centroid arm. I measured (with a test record) 9Hz -13Hz lateral resonance and 10Hz -14Hz vertical resonance.  That is pretty close to what I get with the medium compliance Delos (10-13Hz lateral resonance, 10-12Hz vertical resonance).
The versitility of the arm "Balanced Force Design™ "...modal analysis places centroid at bearing point Counter-weight design minimizes moment of inertia by staying close to bearing
10" pivot-to-stylus distance".
The representation of the music with either cartridge is stellar. 
@millercarbon well on my current table (EAR DiscMaster) over the past ten years I’ve owned it I’ve had an SME-IV, Triplanar VII, Wand+, Durand Talea and Durand Kairos.

As it takes two arms at the same time it’s not hard to make comparisons. I’ll be getting a Durand Tosca shortly to replace the Kairos which should be an interesting comparison.

Much although I like the unipivots I always have that nagging doubt whether they are en pointe, the Talea seems more stable so that I will keep, and hope that the Tosca retains the snap and dynamics I liked from the Durand unis (and much preferred to the Triplanar or SME) while adding some more heft 😉
Ha! Excellent! I knew some here would have done this. Not very many. But some. 

Still it shows how rare it is. Even a hugely experienced analog guy with a two-arm table, over ten years. Most never manage even to compare even two. Oh, they hear different arms- but on different tables. That's no comparison at all.

Then even when you do get a valid comparison its not always easy to know quite what is due to what. My first arm for example was a Graham. The Origin Live Conqueror that replaced it is leagues better. But is that because the Graham is a unipivot? The Graham has a detachable arm want and uses an interconnect. So was it all the connections? I'm sure its some of each, and everything else. 

Then on top of all that they all have this habit of constant improvement. Some of these arms were different depending on when they were made. Oh well. At least we know they are all magic, each in their own way.
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