Name Your Top 5 Most Musical Dynamic Sounding Tonearms of All time?

Could you list your top 5 all time favourite sounding Tonearms and on which table. 

Showing 1 response by folkfreak

@millercarbon well on my current table (EAR DiscMaster) over the past ten years I’ve owned it I’ve had an SME-IV, Triplanar VII, Wand+, Durand Talea and Durand Kairos.

As it takes two arms at the same time it’s not hard to make comparisons. I’ll be getting a Durand Tosca shortly to replace the Kairos which should be an interesting comparison.

Much although I like the unipivots I always have that nagging doubt whether they are en pointe, the Talea seems more stable so that I will keep, and hope that the Tosca retains the snap and dynamics I liked from the Durand unis (and much preferred to the Triplanar or SME) while adding some more heft 😉