What is the best solid state amplifier you have ever heard?

What is the best solid state amplifier you have ever heard?
The one I listen to now — D’Agostino Momentum S250 stereo amp. I’d been through some very nice Pass amps prior but the D’Agostino was the difference between live and life-like.

The first really good solid state amp I heard early on was a Bedini 100/100 1 Meg that I traded a Nakamichi 1000ZXL for. Driving Acoustats it was a revelation for its time (early 80s).

if you like kondo sound as life like but you will need more power one as ss  my advice is Concert Fidelity zl-120 mono’s or 200 mono’s.
There is a group of really good solid state amps I have
heared e.g. Dartzeel, Brinkmann, Soulution... but the
best in my opinion is the Tidal Audio stuff.
