Subwoofers.....Leave On/Off?

I run dual Sunfire Sub Juniors in one of my A/V system and really like what they bring to the game.
They are connected to independent power strips, which I use to turn them on/off since they lack the
auto on/off feature most subs now have. Both subs emit a sizable thump when I power them up/down,
making me wonder if I'm doing more harm than good by not leaving them on full-time.

My monthly power bill reflects the amount of equipment I have plugged in throughout my home, so I'm
trying to lighten the load, so to speak.
A couple of years ago, I was concerned about my electricity bill, over $100 for just two of us. I bought a meter to check how much usage  for all things plugged in. The biggest culprit was a 7 channel amp that I rarely turned off. That was aver $10/month, subs were only a little over $1.
I now turn off the amp when not in use and leave the subs on.
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My dunlavy sub amp just went out a few months ago.  It’s been always on since 1994.   It does notspin the power meter  very much at idle.  I just use an external amp with it now.  My 2 class a amps ,on the other hand, add over 100 per month to the electric bill

The thump you hear is likely discharge of capacitors in the power supply and causes no harm, nor is it a sign of something wrong.  I am associated with a company that manufactures monitors that do the same thing, and I have had long discussions about it.  The normal way to prevent the thump is to use turn on/turn off muting circuits, such as a relay, which in some cases engineers feel affects the sonics.  In other cases they say it's one more thing to go wrong.  Connecting the driver to the amp without power on/off muting is a choice and not an oversight.  It does sound a bit alarming but isn't a worry!
