How many of us are truly satisfied with their systems?

By truly satisfied, I mean, zero desire to change a thing-

I'll raise my hand- and being at a happy place with my system is a happy thought- 

Good point made! But my point is only this one; a good system can be very good and cheap, I never say that mine was the better, I only say that I am satisfied and sure I like to tweak by my own design but your produtcs are cheap and attractive I am tempted...Lucky you are I am still in the game tempted to purchase some ...For sure for  the price paid for all components ( 1000 bucks for all in all) I think that my system is better indeed than butter peanut ...
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For sure you are right, but my mind has changed when I had listen to unaffordable system some long times ago compared to my old system , after that I wanted musical experience with good sound quality I never had but at a low cost... I have it now and I am proud of my tweaks and the ratio price/quality sound now... The satisfaction is in my mind yes but the road to gain this place in my mind cost me 1000 bucks+tweaks… I say that to answer this question Zavato asked...

By the way I try the fridge magnet with success...I thank you...
Right now I'm reaping great satisfaction thanks to an experimental tweak. Before that, I was experiencing great satisfaction. 

Goes to show ya.

All the best,