Helmhotz resonators for audiophile at almost no cost and without calculus...

The importance to treat the room if you have speakers, even in nearfield listening like me, is imperative ...

Here is my advice: 

Buy some big  empty wine bottles, or drink them before, it is optional....Or use some carafes, the kind that some display at the center of a table....I use plastic  wrapping sheets to tightly seal the aperture of the bottles and the carafes after pouring in them around 10 % of water in their volume space...You must listen and experiment for your taste and room to determine the exact amount of water to boost the frequencies that will benefit….After that  I peirce the plastic sheet with a needle and I insert a  thin straw with only the extremity of the straw at the top...  That its! You know have an Helhmotz resonator... 

You now have one of the more astounding tweak for a room that will transform your listening space in sound heaven ...I use more than 15 of them in my little audio room and trust me that is one of a kind upgrading...

I wrote that for those who want to experiment, the others can stay silent...My best to all...
After reading your room dimensions, I can now see where you can use that many with good effect. My ceiling is only 8' (in a basement). The room itself is not ideal at 15 X15. You are correct, it's been already treated with panels, acoustic disks, etc. At this point I'm just trying to tweak it by eliminating a smidgen of the "bloom" (it's not excessive) to get more detail. I'm making some progress with a smaller opening on the resonator. 
I am happy for your progress I wish you the best and I am here to discuss if you needed to...
Boxer12 I make a mistake in my room description the height is not 15 feet but 8 feet and 1/2 inches... Sorry
I have long had 4 Argent Room Lenses which are amazing by themselves, but, several years ago I attempted to take room resonance issues to a higher level

Being a cheap experimenter, I bought 6 3 gallon pails. I partially filled with h20 and moved them around the room. The result was definitely a nice improvement, but eventually the h2o evaporates AND in my case as mosquitos often get into my house during the rainy season, I was getting bitten alive, until I checked the pails one day and saw all manner of mosquito larvae in each

Still it worked great for a tiny investment
Hey, that reminds me! 🤗 Has anyone tried the water bowl tweak? Here’s how it works. You place three medium size bowls of *ice water* on the floor about two feet out from the speakers, one bowl in front of each speaker and one bowl between the other two, so the bowls of ice water are in a row left to right.