Helmhotz resonators for audiophile at almost no cost and without calculus...

The importance to treat the room if you have speakers, even in nearfield listening like me, is imperative ...

Here is my advice: 

Buy some big  empty wine bottles, or drink them before, it is optional....Or use some carafes, the kind that some display at the center of a table....I use plastic  wrapping sheets to tightly seal the aperture of the bottles and the carafes after pouring in them around 10 % of water in their volume space...You must listen and experiment for your taste and room to determine the exact amount of water to boost the frequencies that will benefit….After that  I peirce the plastic sheet with a needle and I insert a  thin straw with only the extremity of the straw at the top...  That its! You know have an Helhmotz resonator... 

You now have one of the more astounding tweak for a room that will transform your listening space in sound heaven ...I use more than 15 of them in my little audio room and trust me that is one of a kind upgrading...

I wrote that for those who want to experiment, the others can stay silent...My best to all...

Showing 47 responses by mahgister

Thanks Boxer...

I think that relatively to the particular room, and relatively to one another, the carafe,bottles,containers, may complement each other in the cleaning of the acoustic field frequencies, modulo some little expriment with volume and the length and perimeter of the straws or the equivalent device... 
Boxer how many flasks do you use? I beat you for the price, I use 20 containers, plastic, glass, wine refiner, carafe, 2 with 5 gallons volume 2 with 3 gallons, the others between 500 milliter and 1 liter...

The effects on the dynamic and clarity and bass depth are astounding...
For the moment my experiments were very conclusive with thin staw compress to half of their original diameter,not more than 2 or 3 inches long, inserted in the plastic wrapped sheet at the nozzle of my varied carafe,bottles,or 3 or 5 gallons plastic and glass container+ only a minimal volume of water 1 inches...The results are so great that I will wait a bit to replace all that, cost is almost nothing...The impact on sound was so great that any other upgrade is probably less an upgrade than that cheap resonators room’s tweak...This thread is only to inform the newcomers about that... I am thankful for any suggestion about improving that for sure...Thanks then to Ozzy for that...
Very useful and astute observations...thanks very much  and my best to you….
I gain some better results by cutting the diameter of regular straw in half and shorten the regular straw to  around 2 inches in many of  my carafe or in  some of my big glass container 3 or 5 gallons but not all of them...It is necessary to experiment in your particular rooms to go for the best.... I will never listen music in a room without resonators now...Great impact... my best to all...
I don't think there is anything wrong with your method, so I hope you didn't take it that way. My only problem with the straw was the hole diameter being to large for the results I was looking for. I have a small metal working machine shop in my basement so all I'm doing is machining caps (or plugs) for the bottles & drilling a .125 hole (1/8") in the solid cap then placing a chamfer on both ends of the hole. The chamfer is about 60 degrees and approx. .100 deep & should help the air move in and out of the bottle a little more efficiently. Total length of the cap is about 1.5" to 2" long. It also appears that the fat bottom long neck bottles work best, as you already discovered. Hope this helps.  

Yes thanks Boxer that's help much to figure the idea....My best to you...

boxer122,282 posts06-06-2019 9:22pmI think I've got the formula worked out for my room now. I'm at 8 of them right now & it's sounding better than ever. Great "tweak". It appears that the straw wasn't working well for me so I'm using a .125 hole (with a large chamfer at both ends) at about an 1 1/2 in length. I'm also using cutting oil (very thin) instead of water.

Will you explain more what you said? I am not sure to understand...I use thin straw inserted I a wrapped plastified sheet at the nozzle...It seems you proceed not in the same manner... I will appreciate a more detailed description...
I had great results with carafe, jerrycan. or 5 gallons plastic bucket or glass bucket with regular straws inserted in the nozzle... Keg is a bit too small volume...
A last remark: it seems that regular straws are better than slush straw in general with jerrycan,or bucket, carafe etc ...Greater clarity all across the range...
Or your resonator Geooff , I just look to your new product on your site...Alas! I cannot afford that now... But perhaps I will emulate it ...
Interesting food for tought, thanks Geoff...I will meditate about this crucial fact ...
My wife measuring herself 5 feet 6 inches does not appreciate any object bigger than 10 feet in one of his room... sorry ...
My room has 15 feet lol.... On top of the speakers ok I will try that one day for sure thanks for the suggestion....I cannot try that now because of what I already had on top lol...And the sound now is too much better to dreaming improve it easily for the moment...
The difference with your glass is that a straw is inserted in the bottle and they act as resonators better one I think that the open  glass...I dont doubt that anything near speakers affect speakers sound I know that by experience tough...
I already had behind the speakers bottles of water... and near each speakers another one for resonators... It works...
I cannot put even a glass of water in front of my speakers on the desk anyway.... Thanks for the suggested  experiment anyway...
Geoff I am not enough clever to sort out if you mock me or want to help, probably the two in the same times ...But I like your spirit anyway... My best...
I think I am done now... All is better, the dynamic, the natural instrumental timbre of instruments, the successive holographic layers of sound in an enveloping  fashion (I am in nearfield listening but the final result are way better also for room listening anywhere in the room)... I think that the varied bottles,carafes, jerrycans, and glass buckets, correct mutually each other their deficiencies and the final results are at my amazing satisfaction, with for example a bass clarity and depth incredible for my 7 inches Mission Cyrus 781 drivers...One year ago I dreamed to add a sub to my system, it is no more necessary, and absolutely without any more interest...I am done and bewildered more than yesterday...It is the end of this story...My best to all...
I experiment with 5 gallons glass bucket with 5 % water filled+ 2 thin straw inserted in the sealed nozzle with success for one and  2 slush larger straws for the other...Try with your own experiment and you will be amazed...
I hope my remark does not crucify you... Indeed you are in a better shape that I was thinking... Dont underestimate the beast it seems! thanks Geoff but I cannot try your tweak because my speakers are on my desk in nearfield litening ...
Geoff i think you are a bit less in shape than usual...You dont have mention the important fact to place ice cube regularly at each hour to gain the most!

Boxer12 I make a mistake in my room description the height is not 15 feet but 8 feet and 1/2 inches... Sorry
I am happy for your progress I wish you the best and I am here to discuss if you needed to...
Placement is very important but simple... it takes me only few try and test to discover the best or almost best...The imaging can degrade or improve  with the placement of  only one of my 2 jerrycan...
Simple if you experiment just a little... 2 inches max,  out of the nozzle...The straw  is only put trough the pierced plastic sheet paper wrap used in kitchen...I put elastic to tight it around the nozzle...No need of photo for that... And I cannot put photos here even if I wanted to...I apologize for that.... I will be here to answer your question...My best to you...
is your room already treated with absorber and reflector of sound? perhaps your room is already too much resonant and reflective and the resonator makes all that thin? My room was already treated by me before the adding resonators...There is some order to work with these tweaks...Room treatment first... Resonator second...
In audio price is not linearly connected to quality sound …. Tweaking already hi-fi used or vintage pieces of gear is the key to paradise...The Helmoltz resonators is astounding, but with some experiments... 
Try the jerrican 5 gallons with 2 slush large straws inserted in one another and placed in the pierced  plastic sealed nozzle, that will equilibrate the frequencies toward the bass I promise... Just a little water in the jerrycan less than 10 %....It makes wonder all these resonators and by the way I use 20 types of stones and crystals in a connected grid on my audio system and in my electrical grid...All that push my system each times to more quality... But now it is I think impossible to makes all that I have sound better...
I add a 2 gallons+2 thin straws this time glued to one another inserted through the nozzle... Result: more clarity in medium especially... I put this one near the wall behind my listening position...Bewilderment does not diminish,but I think now that I had touch the end of the road with these resonators...My best to all ...
Ok after the carafes + thin normal straw, described in a precedent post.... I experiment also this after-noon with a big 5 gallons empy plastic jerrycan for oil with less than 10 % water in it+ a large plastic straw for slush glued to another one, inserted trough the plastic wrap paper sealing the nozzle of this jerrycan and guess what?

The bass was improved to the limit of my speakers with clarity without compromising the effect of my other generators on the other sound frequencies... Really amazing, almost no cost...This Helmholtz resonator are the second most amazing tweak of my life...

The carafes and the jerrycan act complementarily on different sound frequencies without obstructing one another to my ears...Stupendous, it is like I upgraded my speakers that now go way more lower in bass without loosing nothing but with gain on clarity on all frequencies...I apologize for my bewilderment...
By the way I apologize for my bad orthograph of the  Helmholtz name....If some Op can correct it I will thank him...
With this kind of carafe (for one liter of wine) I think the mathematical ratio with the volume/ straw is optimal...It seems that they affect sound in a way more than positive...


Thanks Geoff...For this precision information...All my bottles had approximatively all the same volume except for some 2 variations linked to the species "carafe" or "bottle" with the same thin straw inserted in each one, that explain why the resulting effects are consistent and positive for my hearings... Better higher and bass frequencies, better imaging, better sound anywhere in my room... Spectacular effects... I luckily discover by chance it seems the right ratio between the volume of the bottle and the length and the cross section of the straw that act as a nozzle, for the right effects... 

By the way there is no negative impact on the sound with these carafe and bottles sealed with a straw inserted in them, except the placement  for sure in the room have an impact for the better or less … Then experimenting for the right placement is necessary... 
By the way thanks to Geoffkait for his short articles about H.Resonators...I have begun  my experiments after reading that...My best to you...
My electrical grid and my audio grid are already cleaned with stones and crystals connected grid of my own design with great results... My nearfield systems is already treated against mechanical vibrations also with my sorbothane sandwiches... But these Helmhotz resonators put the system on another level... My room was already treated acoustically by me before these H.Resonators experiments...But with these H.R. the sound is clearer on all frequencies, the imaging better, and the listening positions possible in the room are way better...
Placement cannot be the same in different rooms,then have fun and play, the final results will be inexorably an improvement for you...
Perhaps I must manufacture these bottles,call them " crystals bottles" and sell them 500 hundred bucks each...
No need for a photo, imagine a big wine bottle, go on with around 10% water + or -, wrap it and seal the top with plastic sheet, pierce it, insert a thin regular straw and listen, changing the spot and the level of water.... Go on with that with 2 carafe or 2 bottles at the same times in different and complementary spots...You ears will speak to you...
Thanks Geoff I had already identified some of these spots with my experiments... I will probably go on with your idea with a sound level apparatus...Luckily it seems that the dimension of a carafe or wine bottle plays positive role in my small room approx. 17 feets by 15 feets by 15 feets...The diameter of the straw,the length of the straw and the volume of the carafe or the bottles are certainly in a acceptable range relative to the room size, because the improvement is spectacular... I will sleep on the calculus...My best to all...

 I already have some bottles behind my speakers in between and behind my back on the wall facoing the speakers... Some bottles are near the ceiling ,some are on the lateral wall on shelves, some in front of windows...
I put the bottle and carafe on the wall behind me and on the other 3 walls  at certain spots on shelves...Some are on a table near me... The results are holographic clarity...Nothing compare with that.... The best dac or amplifier cannot make for the room... An audio system is linked to the room and the room is the first and foremost component of an audio system with speakers...
The exact location is dependant of the configuration of the room... I have determined all locations for mine with my open ears... It is easy and fun... Try it and dont bother with the risk of some errors...The ears are a great master and will correct you...

The results are astounding... Many company sell resonators, but I dont have money, certainly not this kind of money...But it is more fun and more satisfying to gain the same results or almost the same with cheap material.... I had this idea to make one to verify the reviewers  who described many very costly products...My result speak for itself... It is not necessary to pay...Go and enjoy...