Helmhotz resonators for audiophile at almost no cost and without calculus...

The importance to treat the room if you have speakers, even in nearfield listening like me, is imperative ...

Here is my advice: 

Buy some big  empty wine bottles, or drink them before, it is optional....Or use some carafes, the kind that some display at the center of a table....I use plastic  wrapping sheets to tightly seal the aperture of the bottles and the carafes after pouring in them around 10 % of water in their volume space...You must listen and experiment for your taste and room to determine the exact amount of water to boost the frequencies that will benefit….After that  I peirce the plastic sheet with a needle and I insert a  thin straw with only the extremity of the straw at the top...  That its! You know have an Helhmotz resonator... 

You now have one of the more astounding tweak for a room that will transform your listening space in sound heaven ...I use more than 15 of them in my little audio room and trust me that is one of a kind upgrading...

I wrote that for those who want to experiment, the others can stay silent...My best to all...
I participated in a recording with a nutty songwriter who wrote out the "sheet music" for every participant, each of us having a number of bottles placed in front of us. Each bottle was filled to a level such that the unfilled volume created a specific tone (note), and each bottle was numbered. The notation specified which bottle was to be blown into at what point in time, the combined "playing" of all the participants creating the music. There are easier ways to make music!
With this kind of carafe (for one liter of wine) I think the mathematical ratio with the volume/ straw is optimal...It seems that they affect sound in a way more than positive...


By the way I apologize for my bad orthograph of the  Helmholtz name....If some Op can correct it I will thank him...
Ok after the carafes + thin normal straw, described in a precedent post.... I experiment also this after-noon with a big 5 gallons empy plastic jerrycan for oil with less than 10 % water in it+ a large plastic straw for slush glued to another one, inserted trough the plastic wrap paper sealing the nozzle of this jerrycan and guess what?

The bass was improved to the limit of my speakers with clarity without compromising the effect of my other generators on the other sound frequencies... Really amazing, almost no cost...This Helmholtz resonator are the second most amazing tweak of my life...

The carafes and the jerrycan act complementarily on different sound frequencies without obstructing one another to my ears...Stupendous, it is like I upgraded my speakers that now go way more lower in bass without loosing nothing but with gain on clarity on all frequencies...I apologize for my bewilderment...
I add a 2 gallons+2 thin straws this time glued to one another inserted through the nozzle... Result: more clarity in medium especially... I put this one near the wall behind my listening position...Bewilderment does not diminish,but I think now that I had touch the end of the road with these resonators...My best to all ...