What is the best solid state amplifier you have ever heard?

What is the best solid state amplifier you have ever heard?
They replaced a Levinson 333, and in my system they are about as good as it gets for me.My speakers are Shahinian Hawks, I believe 89db and they drive them with ease (4 ohms as I recall but don't quote me), ARC pre, PS DAC/Transport, Magnum Dynalab 809 Internet Tuner and PS P12. Minor tweaks to power cords and thats it. Blows away the Levinson, again, in my system
Bedini 25/25 is still the best I’ve heard in any of my system variations over the years. Still have mine purchased new. I have a Bedini 100/100 amp as well. Not quite as good, but close for when I need more power. Many other amps and components have come and gone but I won’t let the Bedini amps go.