What is the best solid state amplifier you have ever heard?

What is the best solid state amplifier you have ever heard?

Showing 2 responses by stevea11757

They replaced a Levinson 333, and in my system they are about as good as it gets for me.My speakers are Shahinian Hawks, I believe 89db and they drive them with ease (4 ohms as I recall but don't quote me), ARC pre, PS DAC/Transport, Magnum Dynalab 809 Internet Tuner and PS P12. Minor tweaks to power cords and thats it. Blows away the Levinson, again, in my system
The three that are all in systems that are used regularly with widly various components/cables/interconnects/ pre(but all tube pre)/sources/speaker combos are:
Bedini 100/100 in system at my office
Levinson 23.5, aecond system
Pass 260.8 mono's, main system

No thoughts to any future upgradesĀ