Zu Soul Superfly

I just ordered a pair of the new Zu speakers on a whim. I was going to wait for information, but the fact that they threw in the free superfly upgrades to the first 30 people got me.

From a similar thread it sounds like some of you guys have heard the speaker despite information only being released today. I'm wondering what you can share about it?

Also, I am really hoping it works with a Firstwatt F1 amplifier. Can anyone comment as to that? I know the Druid's and Essences worked OK.
The Radian tweeter is so much better then the older tweeter. It is much more open, smoother and integrates with the nano FRD much better.
The Supreme is a significant upgrade the Superfly. As Snopro says the Radian 850 is a big upgrade from the older tweeter. More open, sweeter and transparent without any hardness. I do think it's more than just the tweeter. It takes everything that was great about the Superfly to a higher level. The better things are upstream,(amp, preamp, source) the more your going to hear what the Supreme can do.

What's nice about the Superfly and the Supreme is that both can be paired with super components without apology but they also sound really good with more modest components.. I'm using an Atmasphere S30 OTL which IMHO is a match
made in heaven. There is nothing except the speaker wire between the tubes and the 10" driver and only a high quality capacitor and resistor to the tweeter. But I have also heard the Superfly with a Stereo 70, CJ MV52, and Audio Research Classic 30 with excellent results.

If your finanical resources allow would go for the Supreme but the Superfly is also a terrific speaker.
I'm actually trying to decide on the Soul Supreme or the Druid MK V.

I understand the Druid MK V is better, can create music with more accuracy and more scale. But in rooms which are not large, is perhaps the Soul Supreme pretty darn close?

Also wonder if perhaps in a smaller room the Supreme is easier to place than the Druid.

Room is 12' x 14' and I sit about 8 ft from the speakers.

Hi Wilsynet,
I have the Driud V's in a room a little bigger then yours and run an Undertone sub with no problems. All rear ported speakers gave me bass problems. The Zu's bottom ports load a room much better.

If you can swing the extra money go with the Druids.The cabinet is very quiet, and with the FRD at the top of a taller speaker the soundstage has more height.

I love mine. I am running them with my 300b Franks and the sound is wonderful!

One day I will have a pair of Coincident Frankensteins. Morganc brought his pair over once, and I was floored with how good they sounded. Why he sold them, I'll never know.

The Franks are in my want to have list, as is the First Watt J2. Both do what they do superbly well.