Zu Soul Superfly

I just ordered a pair of the new Zu speakers on a whim. I was going to wait for information, but the fact that they threw in the free superfly upgrades to the first 30 people got me.

From a similar thread it sounds like some of you guys have heard the speaker despite information only being released today. I'm wondering what you can share about it?

Also, I am really hoping it works with a Firstwatt F1 amplifier. Can anyone comment as to that? I know the Druid's and Essences worked OK.

Showing 9 responses by wilsynet

The rule of thumb is 10:1, that is, the input impedance is 10x the output impedance between the two components. I've also heard the rule of thumb is 20:1, but hey, it's a rule of thumb right, so the truth is probably somewhere in the middle, somewhere between 10:1 and 20:1.

MM Preamplifer has 700 ohms output impedance
700 ohms * 20 = 14Kohms
F1J amplifier has 15Kohms input impedance

14K < 15K

So you should be good.

No, Zu does not use multi-level marketing. I believe there was an attempt a few years ago to pay owners to demo in their own homes to help get the word out in lieu of having real dealers. However, as I understand, that was met with limited success. As far as I know, that hasn't happened in quite awhile.

What have you read that suggests this may be true?

So far you've asked if people here are Zu employees, now you're asking if there might be another explanation.

Is it possible that people just like their Zu speakers?
Have had the Soul Superfly for a few weeks now. It's just what I was looking for, a Druid++.
Being a current Superfly owner and a previous Essence owner, I'll say Superfly no question. I do not regret the move in any way.

I had the Atma-sphere S-30 for awhile, and I didn't like it direct from source. I was auditioning the W4S DAC-2 with the digital volume control at the time.The highs were a bit clunky, a bit harsh and unrefined. I tried it both balanced and single ended, didn't make a difference.

With the Red Wine Audio Isabella preamp in the mix things got a lot better.

As I understand, the W4S DAC-2 has a very good output stage, likely comparable to the Perfectwave DAC.

As in most things, no doubt your mileage will vary.

Gopher: Have you considered sending in your S-30 to Atma-sphere for service?

Bjesien: Just looked on Zu's site. Latest price for Essence is $3600, which is consistent with their pricing after they got out of the more traditional dealer model.
Any thoughts on how much of an improvement the Soul Supreme is versus the Superfly?
I'm actually trying to decide on the Soul Supreme or the Druid MK V.

I understand the Druid MK V is better, can create music with more accuracy and more scale. But in rooms which are not large, is perhaps the Soul Supreme pretty darn close?

Also wonder if perhaps in a smaller room the Supreme is easier to place than the Druid.

Room is 12' x 14' and I sit about 8 ft from the speakers.

One day I will have a pair of Coincident Frankensteins. Morganc brought his pair over once, and I was floored with how good they sounded. Why he sold them, I'll never know.

The Franks are in my want to have list, as is the First Watt J2. Both do what they do superbly well.