Geoffkait - right???

As my system becomes more resolving, it’s much easier to hear the results of tweaks. Since most of my IC’s are balanced, they can only be plugged in one direction. Yet, I do have S/PDIF cables that can be reversed. A Pure Note Paragon Enhanced S/PDIF has been parked in my HT system for years. I thought I’d give it a try again in my 2ch rig. There’s even an arrow for signal flow. After settling in, the music sounded pleasant, but not very engaging. So, I reversed the cable with the arrow facing the source -Voilà. Everything snapped into place. A rich, organic presentation with excellent dynamics and tone. The difference in direction was obvious. Thx to Geoffkait for recommending to try it both ways!

Geoffkait is the one Audiogon members comments i find the most interesting and knowledgeable, when it comes to out of the box thinking and Isolation. I know use Townshend Audio Seismic Isolation( spring loaded air suspension) in conjunction with Stillpoints or other ball bearing type devices, It has took my system up to a level of performance i did not realize was their, until i isolated every component first was Townshend Audio Podiums under my Sound Lab Majestic Loudspeakers,

When funds permit i will be placing Stillpoint Ultra SS between the bass
of my Sound Lab Majestics and Townshend Podiums.

Thank you Geoffkait on your many explanations of Seismic vibrations and the best way to Isolate your Speakers and electronics from them.

I have also found the Max Townshend videos on youtube to be very helpful regarding the negative effects of spikes and combating Seismic vibrations, so a big thank you for Max Townshend, nearly 50 years in the High End Audio business for engineering isolation products that work.

Always start with isolating your Loudspeakers first, you get the biggest bang for your bucks. And definitely remove the spikes, spiking your Speakers to the floor causes harmful vibrations, which will travel everywhere, up into your HIFI rack and into your electronics plus travels back up into your speakers, also with suspended floors, the floors vibrate adding unwanted distorted bass boom which opens up another unwanted can of worms. Spiking speakers is the worse thing you can do, but has been the industry norm up until Max Townshend pointed out how bad it is, check out Max Townshends videos on you tube, it costs nothing to listen, but if you choose to audition the Podiums it will cost you the price of a pair you definitely wont want to return them.

What surprising claims coming from a Townshend dealer.
That's nothing. You should read the review comments he writes for his own website. What an imagination. Gives L Ron a run for his money.
Could it be that the whole world is wired in the wrong direction. Would explain a lot.
I hate to judge too harshly but it appears millercarbon's butt is still sore from his recent activity.