"You cannot handle the truth"

Should anybody be weary about any equipment (mostly new) that are barely used, no way near the usual break-in period, before putting it on sale?

Like, why would anybody used it for, say, 70 hours or so, then decided to sell?  It's always a red flag to me, as if it's some kind of lemon, some forgotten freight being fall off from a truck, or the equipment sounds woeful....   I would not think any legit dealer would be that casual neither.

Not to upset anybody.... would love to hear some reasonable explanations such that I don't make the wrong assumption...
Sometimes, you just bought something you don't like. You read all the reviews and it's the 'greatest HiFi item ever', 'best for the money', 'giant-killer', etc etc, and it sucks right out of the box. That's how this hobby works. Someone takes the plunge and buys the components only to find it didn't fit his dream of audio Nirvana and we benefit from them liquidating it. Nothing to wonder about.
And, I can't even begin to remember how many magnificent pieces of stereo equipment I've sold over the years looking to move on to the next thing. There's no Rhyme or Reason to it. It's Audio Nervosa.
Mix of what n80 and gents said.

Sometimes people just do not like something as much as they thought they would. No need to keep it.
Touche glupson2. Years ago, after a year or more of reading rave pro and owner reviews of the Pass Labs 250.5, I sold an amp I loved and bought the Pass in perfect condition. I hated the way it sounded and wanted to get rid of it ASAP. Punchline...the guy that I sold it to didn't like it either.
Sometimes we end up not liking what we thought we would like. That's one reason.