Why do contributors delete their own posts?

A significant contributor who shall remain unidentified deletes posts shortly afterwards. It’s not done with the intent of correction, but for the purpose of limited viewing. I wonder what rationale warrants this behavior. It certainly not for the benefit of providing context for later viewers who might want to learn from the thread. 
geoffkait15,259 posts05-12-2019 5:41pmCriteria? How about it looks like a troll, it walks like a troll and it talks like a troll?

I guess “it writes like a troll” is not one such criteria.
Conspiracy theories among trolls, argued about by trolls.  Spelling mistakes by trolls, corrected (in the spirit of educating) by trolls. Disappearing trolls, egged on by trolls... and yet the hobby is shrinking. Hmmm.
1. OP recognizes the error of their logic. Buzz wore off.
2. OP is only interested in immediate responses. Anything well thought   out is too much to absorb.
3. milpai had a point too.