Marantz SA-10 Vs Esoteric K-05Xs

Hello,Was wondering if anyone has compared the Marantz SA-10 and Esoteric K-05Xs/K07Xs players.My current Oppo UDP-205 is a nice player, but I think upgrading to a dedicated CD/SACD player might result in a better sound.Thanks in advance!

An the other SA-10 owners here, Thank You for sharing your points of view on this spinner. I wanted to demo the SA-10 but one is not to be found here in the southeast U.S. I know these are avail for audition in WI.
The only other CD/SACD player considered is the Esoteric DV-60 which I liked a few years ago. As this model grows older I am unsure about continuance of critical parts via Esoteric/TEAC? I bought an Ayre DX-5 universal spinner as it offers superb CD and SACD playback. Very happy with performance. 
I concur that there should be more professional reviews of the Marantz SA-10.   Happy Listening!
I have no idea which player sounds better, haven't heard either.  But a month or two ago someone was mentioning that the only way to get his esoteric fixed was to send it to Japan, where a certain tool necessary for its repair was located.  If true, this would weign in on my buying 

If I don't remember this correctly feel free to correct me.
The SA-10 will sound a bit more organic bringing you closer to the vinyl-feel. Indeed, I have the same record and played in both the table and the spinner they sounded very similar.
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I have not heard the SA10, but am sure it is a fab player having owned the previous flagships.

 Now, Marantz voices their CDP's from the midrange which results in a very nice beautify midrange at the expense of more openness and solidity in the lower regions.

This midrange voicing is more tubelike and is "fuzzier" compared to the Esoteric voicing, especially their higher  K series players where you will appreciate more openness, cleaner highs and midrange with just a hint of warmth has more bass slam but with a less "golden glow" in the midrange.

Details tend to be less defined and not as pin point in the Marantz's.

Your choice will based on your preferences and music.

For myself, the Esoterics are a  keeper and perform on all types of music long haul in which the Marantz can impart that midrange centric presentation over all types of music left me wanting more when i made the jump.