Best multi channel amp and processor good for 2 channel listening.

Hi All,

I am new to this forum and have a few questions in reference to HT processors.  I am starting from scratch and switching from a Krell S-1000 and S-1500.  I sold the processor a few months back and I going to list here the amp.

I am currently considering the new Bryston 9B3 and the SP4 and decision was based on upgrade ability and warranty. The speakers for HT will be Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home and for 2 channel Verity Otello’s.  My second choice was Classe but I was informed that they have all sales on hold, this is concerning.  I have not listened to either, my choice is based on reviews and the Bryston dealer.  My decision was also based they are both good for two channel, I am not set on this but it will help the budget and space.  I am looking for a warm and good over all sound; some might say 3 dimensional sound, clarity is also a factor.  Actually, all I’ve read in reference to Classe fits the bill.  I would like a couple of other choices to include in my short list and opinions are welcome. The budget for the processor and amp is approx. 22k.  

Thanks to all.....

I looked at my post and saw I did not mention the Marantz but it is on my list for pro. 
@maguiar good question, I already had the MC452 amp so I wanted to keep in the family for my center/surrounds.  Found a great deal on a used MC7106 on Craigslist.  The MC7106 is actually directly coupled so is less warm than their amps with autoformers.  I ended up getting rid of surrounds for the time being and bridged 2 channels for my center (a harder to driver ML Stage).

The Marantz + MC452 + ML 11A speakers needless to say was too warm thus my switch to the Luxman.  Funny enough when I compared the MC452 vs. MC7106 bridged, the MC7106 sounded better with ML 11As, crisper highs.  It is a fairly powerful amp that can be found ~$1K+ used.

I have been a Denon/Marantz guy for a long time (for A/V).  I have to say my overall experience with Marantz has been great, especially for the price.  The attention to detail is pretty impressive, down to the copper chassis.

I like the fact it’s upgradeable to HDMI 2.1, it’s built like a tank, audio quality is great especially for movies, and the processing capabilities is amazing (even including IMAX).  On the video side, you really don’t get better for the price.  I know you mentioned you aren’t into streaming, but down the road if you decide to get into streaming their HEOS app can send native FLAC from Tidal to the 8805.  Not in the same level as dedicated DAC streamers, but still a nice to have.

Only negative is that it runs somewhat hot as all Marantz and Denon receivers/processors and it does not do analog passthrough (unprocessed) over balanced XLR input, just RCA.  Though this is really a non-issue for home theater use.

You mentioned that the Marantz runs hot and that is a concern for me, since I watch a lot of TV and Movies..  
If 2 channel is most important to you, and you can only have 2 "boxes"

I might consider a nice HT receiver to run everything but your mains and 2 channel listening, and get a killer integrated with at HT loop to drive your mains and 2 channel system.

For years I tried to do HT and 2 channel with a 5 channel amp and higher end pre-pro.

Best I owned was the Classe SSP 800 and 5200 amp.  It did a nice job with 2 channel, but not what a dedicated pre-amp and 2 channel amp, or killer 2 channel integrated has done.

The other issue - reliability.  Really, really tough to compete on the HDMI/Processor front with the big companies.  

Get a nice Marantz surround receiver and killer integrated... 

This is what I am trying to do, separate my HT from my music. When I started this thread I was considering to intergrade my HT to my music but everything points to the opposite.

I am looking at the above listed intergrade for music but still undecided on the HT front. HT pre/pro considered are the Arcam, Nad, Audio Control Maestro 9 and Marantz. My concern is there is mention of the Marantz running hot and the Audio Control might be out of my budget unless I can get a killer deal on it. 

I am not technical at all, I usually have this all set up for me. I am not clear on the matter Marantz and an intergrade, do I not need a multi channel amp as well? I understand I will use my intergrade for my two channel music but I would also need a pre/pro and multi channel amp for HT. By chance any experience with any HT systems listed above or others and share the pros and cons to each?