Lost all hearing in one ear, is it worth upgrading speakers?

I was in the process of upgrading my speakers( Goldenear Triton 1s driven by McIntosh amp and pre) when I lost complete hearing in one ear. Will not come back and can not be helped by hearing aide or cochlear implant etc. I was about to upgrade to possible Vandersteen 5a or carbon when it happened. Obviously I cannot enjoy the music as before but would I appreciate the difference in speakers if I upgraded? Soundstage, presence, sweet spot ,stereo are all gone or compromised. Has anyone else experienced this and how have you accommodated?Not seeking sympathy just options!
Tooth, same problem here.  I suddenly lost hearing in the right ear almost a year ago.  I still appreciate quality of the gear I have, but lost interest in upgrading. Doctor says that cochlea is damaged, most likely by the (chicken pox / shingles) virus.  Hearing aid won't help.  Cochlear implant might, but it is a major surgery, (that can go wrong) plus hardware inside and outside.  Doctor advises against it.  The other ear is perfect (for the age) and the only problem is understanding words in noisy environment like party or restaurant.  In addition there is a loud white noise in bad ear with a high frequency pitch.  It is what it is - I cannot do anything about it.  I still like to participate on this forum, but buying is done for me.
Hearing gone in one ear? Damn it, man, thats messed up. You can do what you want with speakers, means you have to have that side of your hear leaning that way to appreciate them, correct?
I have a bud has ringing in his ears, guessing from shell shock. I forget what they call it, he's phucked at times.
Tinnitus is the constant ringing In the ear. Able to ignore it most of the time.   Kijanki:May have to do as you and just enjoy existing. Really bummed as was just really learning to enjoy the nuances high end audio has to offer and was lookin forward to upgrading!

Perhaps if you combine video with music it will enhance the enjoyment by engaging you visual acoustic senses, reducing your focus on monaural limitation.