Why the fascination with subwoofers?

I have noticed many posts with questions about adding subwoofers to an audio system. Why the fascination with subwoofers? I guess I understand why any audiophile would want to hear more tight bass in their audio system, but why add a subwoofer to an existing audio system when they don’t always perform well, are costly, and are difficult to integrate with the many varied speakers offered. Additionally, why wouldn’t any audiophile first choose a speaker with a well designed bass driver designed, engineered and BUILT INTO that same cabinet? If anyone’s speakers were not giving enough tight bass, why wouldn’t that person sell those speakers and buy a pair that does have tight bass?
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I too was happy with my sound and thought it was great. I later added 2 subs and wow. It is not about deeper bass it is about realistic bass, you can feel the kick of the drum and it is how it sounds at a concert, tight and defined. The main reason for subs however has nothing to do with bass it’s all about soundstage. Adding subs makes whatever soundstage you currently have much better and deeper, it is much more 3D like. I was sceptical but boy was I wrong. I would say that if you don,t try subs you will never know what you are missing, go into an audio shop and get a demo it costs nothing. I thought I was happy with my system but trying subs meant I had to have them in my system and they are the best single upgrade I have ever made. My system is a £60k system with full range speakers but without powered bass they are not and can never be full range. You owe it to yourself as an music listener to give it a try, if it’s not to your taste then great 

I love extended bass woofers. I'm not so crazy about the sound of subwoofer drivers per say, but bass extension drivers are wonderful to have in a system. Not only do they give you great bottom end but also balance out the harmonic structures in the room making the highs smoother and the midrange fuller and more life like.

Michael Green


It's affordable to add a sub to your system, versus buying full range.  You do not have to spend big bucks to get a sub now.  What full range speakers are you referring too?  It all depends on your mains, if your speakers are flat down to 20 hertz, you really don't need a sub, unless you listen to some rap or other bass heavy tracks.  If you want to get low, you need a sub.
My system sounded much better after removing the subwoofers.  A friend of mine asked what subwoofer should he be looking at to replace a dying one and I told him that his speakers had dual 8" woofers and his room was rather smallish so he absolutely didn't need a subwoofer.  He took it out, listened for a while, and realized he just saved a few thousand dollars.
Many people today like loud rock music.  Live, these songs are aided by towers of lousy speakers driven by even worse amplifiers that the move so much air the stadium shakes. 

People who have grown up with this thumping noise and gut-punching "music" want to reproduce that in their home and car systems; subs help IF they are efficient enough to work with their internal amp (powered) or your external amp--needs to be rather powerful unless you have Cerwin-Vega or other very efficient bass-heavy speakers.

Orchestral music that features actual music or sounds and harmonics (cannons, for example??) that enter the lower frequencies that humans can hear also require speakers that reproduce those frequencies accurately.

Systems that incorporate large bass cabs, like the old Mark Levinson HQD system, which used 24" Hartley speakers in huge cabs, actually CAN reproduce those frequencies given enough CLEAN amplification and the proper crossovers, etc.  Such systems not only give the listener the "live" experience, but also provide (as accurately as possible in a reproducing system) the live orchestral experience.

Finally, film buffs who have exotic home theater systems use them to reproduce the artificially-enhanced soundtrack of their fav films showing buildings blowing up--not really in the 20HZ range, but ENHANCED is the key item here--and other loud, gut-punching sounds that are really in the lower mid-range, but who's quibbling when your room is shaking and your stomach is pounding?  

Soon, we will have holographic films where the action will take place IN YOUR ROOM, or seem to, anyway.  Sound in those cases has to envelop the viewer/listener, and the love of the gut-punch or explosion at 120db is what people seem to want.  Well, until their ENT doctor gets ahold of their hearing tests, anyway...
