Another new DAC: Audio Mirror

Just ran across this last night. Never heard of them before but
as a Minnesota company tweaked my curiosity.
Audio Mirror Tubadour III non-oversampling tube DAC. Sounds interesting.
If anyone runs across one and has a listen please post.
@emil according to @musichead it's a 2A, slo-blo, small (5x20mm); looks like it might be placed in the cavity in (above) the AC IEC, but I'm not 100% sure about that.
You are correct where the fuse is located. Just need to pull out the tray and the fuse is clipped into place. These fuses are directional so if the music doesnt seem quite right change the direction. The impact should be heard within an hour and improves daily.
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Greetings emil...who about an update on how you AM3 is sounding after a couple weeks burn in?...can you make a comparison to your old DAC?...curious mindsĀ  linger to hear your thoughts!......and thanks for your time