speaker repair

I have 25 year old Wilson X-1 Series 1 speakers. The speakers still are great but the rubber on all the speakers are degrading. Does anyone know of a speaker repair facility in the metro NYC area. It would have to be a facility that would either repair the speakers at my house or that would remove all the woofers to be repaired at their facility then returned and remounted. Each Series 1 is about 600 ibs which is why the whole speaker cannot be removed.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

... call Wilson and give them hell.
Giving a manufacturer hell is not a wise approach if you expect good service in return. That's especially true when seeking support on a 25-year-old product, regardless of the price originally paid for it.
Post removed 
Considering their replacement cost, I have always thought that used Wilson Watt/Puppy combos are a bargain. After reading this post, I'm re-thinking that position. I have re-coned speakers in the past but I would look for professional help with speakers at this level.