I need your suggestion for a Preamp.

I would like to get a preamp, and I have an opp to get an Ayre K5XE MP, Jeff Rowland Capri or a Mark Levinson 380S.

The power amp is a Levinson 431, driving a pair of B&W Matrix 801 S3. I am using a Levinson 390S CD processor to drive 431, the sound is not too bad, but I need a couple of more inputs as I intend to use a TT and add a blu ray player as well.

The Levinson 380s is much more money, out of the all three.

Looking forward to some experts advises and suggestions/recommendation.

Hi audiomaster, my recommendation would be the Mola Mola Makua, a very neutral, revealing and versatile preamplifier. It can also be specified with a dac and/or phono stage both of which are extremely good. Remote control set up and volume control.
Hi George, 

I wish I knew why I did not answer to anyone back then, my apologies, and I Thank you all for your suggestions and recommendations.
I did buy the Aesthetix Calypso Line Stage, I initially enjoyed it, but after that, I got kinda bored with its sound, I sold it without having any regrets.

For what it is worth, you have a Levinson system. I would just stick with Levinson. You are not going to get audibly better performance unless you jump to something like the Trinnov Amethyst which would increase the adjustability of your system 2 orders of magnitude, give you room control and the best subwoofer crossover.

I am in agreement to stay with the Levinson if you like the sound you are getting.  If all of them are SS then the sound may vary but IMO not significant enough.  Others are recommending tube preamps which will have probably have more impact on the sound which could be more decay to notes, more of a 3D soundstage image, you know what tube do.  I don't think you can go wrong with any of the recommendations unless you change to a completely different designed preamp like a DHT or something like that.

Happy Listening.

Please,take a tube préamp. Levinson en B&W are to “hard” and not directly to the point. You lack depth, holographic, and natural sound. A tube préamp: Audio Note, Ear,VAC , Shindo, even Audio research, can improve that. (. Is mine opinion)