I need your suggestion for a Preamp.

I would like to get a preamp, and I have an opp to get an Ayre K5XE MP, Jeff Rowland Capri or a Mark Levinson 380S.

The power amp is a Levinson 431, driving a pair of B&W Matrix 801 S3. I am using a Levinson 390S CD processor to drive 431, the sound is not too bad, but I need a couple of more inputs as I intend to use a TT and add a blu ray player as well.

The Levinson 380s is much more money, out of the all three.

Looking forward to some experts advises and suggestions/recommendation.


Showing 4 responses by audiomaster

That is one great sounding amp, and I am sure it has a wonderful sounding phono stage, but unfortunately, it is out of my reach, even a used  K1XE is going for well over $3500.00.
Hi George, 

I wish I knew why I did not answer to anyone back then, my apologies, and I Thank you all for your suggestions and recommendations.
I did buy the Aesthetix Calypso Line Stage, I initially enjoyed it, but after that, I got kinda bored with its sound, I sold it without having any regrets.

HI lukaske,

 I did have tube preamp, Aesthetix Calypso, it was ok, lacked musicality. 
I sold it. Tube based equipments don’t do for me. I had a Sonic Frontiers SFCD 1, a tube based CD player, it would put me to I sleep. Same with SF DAC, nothing exciting there either.
Hi lukaske,

My digital system is not bad, I have an older Accuphase CD transport, DP 80L, connected to Levinson 390S, the combo sounds terrific, there is zero listening fatigue,  but sometimes I feel it is missing that "soul" which makes you wanna stay up late and play one cd after another.
Those matrix 801  sound great, I honestly do not think it is my speakers.
I might have a chance to borrow an Ayre K5XE MP preamp, in a day or two, will plug it in and find out, I have been reading many positive comments about it.