Tidal Speakers owners

Could you please write your impressions about the Tidal speakers you currently own ? I will probably buy the Tidal Piano Cera in the near future so I would appreciate your feedback...
Bvdiman, I tried to remove some reflective materials and add some damper, now I am training my ear to wire plugged sound, with classical music,.....um, I can live with it.

I may jump to your camp soon, sorry, Tbg.
Quanmer, don't jump to conclusion just yet. :p Don't rush things, do it slowly and enjoy while at it. Let your speakers and ears do some settling-in and adjustment first also. I spent almost two full weeks carefully learning, then only decide, as to which set of combo works best for me.

Out of curiosity, a double check, and just for the fun of it, I took my tweeter jumpers off again this afternoon. I had to plug it back in only after three songs, imo, simply too much detail and air missing. But yes, I do sit quite a fair bit further away (about 5m measured from drivers). And most bad reflections in the room are well tamed.. Well, at least I'd like to think so. ;)
Have fun in your quest!
I've got a question to the Tidal owners on a good cable match for my Sunray.

On audio shows Argento gets used a lot, but for sure there are other excellent cables as well. Unfortunately due to my current location I don't have access to various brands in order to try in my set so I purely have to decide based on other users experiences.

Has anyone ever compared the Argento FMR cables with eg. Jorma Prime, Siltech and/or Nordost Odin cables? Or maybe another brand.

I would very much appreciate your comments and maybe explain the difference in sound between those cables.

Many thanks
bvdiman...calloway here...i, too, put my jumpers back in last night after trying them out for a day or two..i have kept the plugs out though as i have better bass without them...i agree with your jumper findings...
Maxx1973, I suggest you to put Tara Labs top tier wire into your list, they are describe as "jaw dropping" product.

I had Nordost Valhalla in my system before, never try Odin, once I try Tara Labs, all Nordost can't stay, not even close. The difference is almost night and day. Valhalla is only one level lower than Odin, can you image that!

I heard many Siltech on many systems, they are quite popular in Taiwan, the top tier Siltech is OK, but still can not outperform Tara Labs. I personally think they are over priced.